The machinery's roar forms a stirring anthem, playing the melody of a race against time. By the production lines, workers focus intently, tightly controlling each process and overlooking no detail. They unite and strive, going all - out to deliver orders on time, embodying their responsibility through action. Committed to excellence, they ensure every product meets the highest quality standards!
Synthetic rubber, extruded whole without joints, of uniform thickness
4 layers of steel wire spiral
250-420 Bar/3625-6090 PSI
More than 400.000 Times
• -40°C to +100°C [intermittent 120°C]
• -40°C to +70°C for water based fuids
• 0°C to +70°C hot air
* Prolonged operation at extreme temperatures will reduce hoses life
Mineral and biological oils, glicol-water based, water,lubricants
The EN856 4SH hose adopts advanced materials and manufacturing processes, and has excellent wear - resistance and corrosion - resistance properties. lt effectively extends the service life and reduces the maintenance cost.