Oct 13,2022

Focus on the Actual, “Quality” in the Must

Since the "2022 Quality Production Month" in September, in order to further promote the overall quality management of the enterprise and strengthen the idea of "quality first", the company has carried out various forms of quality control activities.

Activities include:

  1. Improve the sampling rate of raw materials into the factory to the finished products out of the factory.
  2. Improve all-round testing efforts, the report requirements are timely and complete.
  3. Organize personnel to check the normality and self-inspection system of each department and each post.
  4. To further implement the quality feedback mechanism.
  5. Organize knowledge contest in each department to popularize the knowledge of quality production

In this process, we abide by the guidelines from the source, there is no end to quality management, no end to system improvement, and truly return to the field to achieve quality and throughout the production chain.

DME&JDE GROUP, deeply build quality control traceability system, can provide the following services for global customers.

  • Global traceability
  • Easy of supply
  • Fast inventory management
  • Effective avoidance of lots of quality problem